The following list is based on the Public Catalogue Foundation’s Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Essex (2006), pp 214-7, the only change being that the portrait of Bishop Brownrigg was previously thought to depict Archbishop Ussher. The portraits are mostly 17th-century copies of well-known paintings; the monarchs, painted on wooden panels, appear to have been cut down from larger works to a uniform height. Dimensions are given in centimetres (height before width; E = estimated, in the case of framed pictures).
The oil paintings are currently undergoing a programme of restoration work, headed by Dr Clare Finn (paintings) and Mr Gerry Alabone of the City & Guilds London Art School (frames). Our thanks to the Essex Community Foundation and the Essex Heritage Trust for awarding grants for this work, and to Charlotte Jones and students of the City & Guilds London Art School for their work on the frames.